V4 Game Settings Guide

Wondering what settings you should have before playing V4? Looking for how to set them for optimal play? Look no further! We’re going to go setting by setting explaining each and recommending how to set it. Some are mandatory, while others are up to you. This is our first game settings guide. Let’s dig in!

V4 Knight flips her shield over her head in fashion
Knight should try out for color guard

Let’s start with where to find what we’re going to go through! Settings can be found and changed at any time by going to the top right corner’s hamburger menu and selecting Settings at the bottom left of the window that appears.

How to access the settings menu in-game
Settings are found here!

Now that we’re here, lets go over the first page of Game settings. We’ll be going left to right starting from the top and making our way down. So, without further ado we have:

Game Settings

  • Auto-Summon Pet | Recommendation: On
    • Because pets provide a constant CP boost, you should have your pet summoned at all times. Pet Scrolls are only 500g and can be found at any General Merchant.
  • Show Monster and Resident Names | Recommendation : On
    • Shows the names of NPCs and Monsters. You could in theory find important NPCs by the icons above their heads, but it makes determining two different Monsters with the same model easier to tell apart.
  • Auto-Use Mount Sprint | Recommendation: On (for now)
    • Since most of the time you will be traveling automatically, this helps speed up getting from point A to point B. When you venture out into PvP territory I would turn this off, as it becomes advantageous to use when needed.
  • Guild Member Login Alert | Recommendation: On
    • In all seriousness you don’t need to leave this on. But really, this is an MMO! Be social and say hello to your guild mates when they log in.
  • Demon Hunter Auto-Transform | Recommendation: On or Off
    • I have a love-hate relationship with this setting. Personally I leave this on. When you’re out grinding for hours, the burst of damage is nice for quickly clearing packs. However a few times I have been left with an empty gauge when going to face a Region Boss because it was automatically used 3 minutes ago.
  • Friend Login Alert | Recommendation: On
    • Same as Guild Member Login Alert. Be social 🙂
  • Party Invite Request | Recommendation: On
    • Allows others to invite you to a party.
  • Quest Guide | Recommendation: Always Open
    • I personally like to have it always open. It can however intrude on your screen space and that is something at a premium on mobile. Otherwise, set this to Upon Accept/Complete.
  • Party Join Request | Recommendation: On
    • Allows others to request to join your party. A lot of times you are unable to see another player because of your camera settings or focus.
  • Auto-Show Region Boss Contributions | Recommendation: On
    • I prefer to have this open. It displays a little window at the top left when you start the battle that shows a percentage of how much you’re contributing to the fight. This in turn will help you estimate your rewards at the end of the battle.
  • Sleep Mode | Recommendation: Off
    • Sleep Mode is not as scary as it sounds. It just stops displaying what your character is doing and gives you a pretty V4 logo instead. Since you will be in menus half the time anyways, it will not effect what your character does. It may however save on battery life, so mobile players set to your needs accordingly.
  • Pet Display Limit | Recommendation: Low
    • Most players have the same pets. This is really a vanity choice and will impact performance but not function of the game. Some won’t mind the missing of a swarm of tiny critters around while fighting while others have GPU to spare. You pick.
  • Auto-Exit PvP Sleep Mode | Recommendation: Off
    • I feel that this was more of a Korea V4 addition to settings where more players are on mobile. In theory this will automatically show what your character is doing if you’re in sleep mode and allow you to react. In practice, you’re usually already going to die anyways.
  • Show Pet Name | Recommendation: On
    • I mean come on, you’re dragging this poor creature around with you while you kill hoards of monsters. The least you can do is give them a name…
a screenshot of the in-game settings menu
First half of the V4: Game Settings Guide down

Game Settings Continued

  • Character Display Level | Recommendation: Show All
    • This is an important one. As V4 is a PvP focused game, naturally you’re going to want to see everybody around you at all times. This is likely another performance hit to your device like Pet Display Limit but this one is needed.
  • Reset Item Quickslot | Recommendation: Don’t Click Me!
    • This will reset your item quick slots that appear to the left of your auto use potions under your health and mana bars. You have 5 different presets to set for items to use and if you make a mistake just long press (or click) an item to remove it.
  • Minimize Character Effect | Recommendation: Off
    • Another setting I feel belongs more in the Graphics Settings. Similar to other MMORPGs, this will limit the amount of sparkly effects that happen when others around you use skills. Set per your device. I’ve often had others argue that being able to distinctly see what skills another player uses gives you a competitive edge, but I do not know if that holds true for V4.
  • UI Ratio | Recommendation: 1
    • Let’s be honest for a second. About one third of our screens are taken up by a movement dial and skill buttons (even on PC you still see the movement dial oddly enough). Screen real estate is at a premium in this game so set this as low as your eyes or fingers allow.
  • Show Skill Effects | Recommendation: On
    • Shows effects of all skills that have a harder to render effect. Another setting I feel is more performance oriented, but in the same rationale as Minimize Character Effect, let’s leave this on.
  • Hide your name from broadcasts. | Recommendation: Off
    • This setting will change your name to Anonymous when you receive a high quality item. It does not however remove the message entirely from being displayed. Leave it on and take your high fives.
  • Item Auto-Use at Camp | Recommendation: Off
    • This is one of the few settings I have not figured out yet. Description reads “Set whether to auto-use quickslotted items at camp.” In practice, leaving this off still heals you with auto-use potions and turning on has not used any of the items that I have quickslotted.
  • Fast-Forward Dialogue | Recommendation: On
    • Finally one of the big ones! This should be On and stay on. The voice acting is terrible and only lasts until Chapter 6 anyways. The story line? Honestly, I have not paid attention to it in the least. However, the consensus is that the plot is weak as well.
  • Alliance Journey Quest Auto-Play | Recommendation: On
    • Here’s another must have setting. This will automatically proceed through the alliance quest. You may find outdated guides about using BlueStacks to automate clicking these. You don’t have to do that anymore.
  • Display Companion Dialogue | Recommendation: Off
    • Hey! Listen! Hey! Hey! If only this setting existed for Navi back in the day. You can’t possibly want to see random dialogue from NPCs you don’t care about… right?
  • Auto-Purchase Guild Effects at Camp | Recommendation: On
    • These last few settings I have not seen work or be used while I play. However I leave them on because it hasn’t hurt yet.
  • Max Shared Location Icons | Recommendation: 5
    • Shared Locations. I personally only use the Shared Locations to link my current location in chat. I suppose you could save the locations of Boss spawns and warp around to them when they’re up?
  • Guild Effect Auto-Purchase Notifications | Recommendation: On
    • Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
a screenshot of the in-game settings menu
Second half of the V4: Game Settings Guide complete!

Whew! That’s a lot to cover for one article. Next up we’ll go over Battle Settings and then Graphics Settings. Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments. Interested in playing V4?

PC Client: https://www.nexon.com/v4/en/main
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/v4/id1501655572
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nexon.v4gb

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